

"Impacting a Youth Culture for Christ"









Upcoming events

HS klub this week : 3/11

mS klub this week : 3/13

Next Super K : 4/2

Pickleball Fundraiser : 3/28 (click here)

24 hours of prayer : 4/4-4/5


We have two KLIFE merch options currently available!!


Stay connected with “remind”

text “@stlklife” to 81010 to receive text updates on all things KLIFE!


Zack demetri | Chapter Director

Hello, my name is Zack! I grew up in St. Louis and went to Texas for college. I graduated from the one and only Baylor University in 2022 with a Communication Specialist and Environmental Studies degree. KLIFE has been a big part of my life for a number of years, first as a student, then as a volunteer leader, and now being on staff. I spent most of my summers in college working at camps–Kanakuk K1, Kanakuk K2, and an outdoor education camp in Gulf Shores, AL. And I spent all four years in college working for Baylor Outdoor Adventure.

I am married to the greatest human being in the world, our women’s director Taylor Demetri!! And we have a beautiful baby girl named Holly! Otherwise I’m a wannabe surfer who loves playing tennis, all things outdoors, plants, video games, and $6 Tuesdays at the movies. I am passionate about discipleship and genuine spiritual formation, and I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to serve at STL KLIFE!

Taylor demetri | Women's Director

Taylor is from Denton, TX and a graduate of the Kanakuk Institute. This is Taylor’s second year as the KLIFE Women’s Director and we cannot be more thrilled to have her join the team!

“I am so thrilled and feel very honored to get to be part of the KLIFE family in STL. I have a heart for ministry and discipleship, and I cannot wait to establish relationships with the students here!”

Taylor is known for her innate love of people. She loves hosting others in her home, sharing meals. Her love of Jesus and passion for discipleship made her an easy addition as our Women’s Director. We are so thankful to have her on this team!


The heart of our ministry is small groups. Our small groups are made up of boys or girls in the same grade. They are led by young professionals and college students who have a heart for ministry and working with kids. Last year our leaders spent over 14,000 hours with their small group kids.

Each small group has one or two KLIFE volunteers (college age or older) or a KLIFE staff member leading it. The volunteer has been through an interview process with a staff member, has been background checked, and has signed a commitment to follow Christ in their own life. The groups are assembled according first to gender, then by groups of friends possibly covering a couple of grades, but are purposeful in bringing groups of kids together to build accountability relationships.

A small group meets once a week and studies the Bible or a biblically-based book keeping in line with the KLIFE curriculum. The time they meet is determined by the leader of the group based on when everyone is able to get together.



For information about boys small groups, email Zack Demetri at zack.demetri@klife.com

For information about girls small groups, email Taylor Demetri at taylor.demetri@klife.com 



LIVE is a digital curriculum that gets kids into the Bible and the Bible into kids. LIVE crafted lessons are easily understood, with principles that our leaders can grasp and pass along to students. Plus, the lessons emphasize discussion, dialogue, and meaningful connections among the group.  This allows leaders and students to just enjoy spending time with one another and each will thrive with this curriculum. Each KLIFE Small Group may use the interactive LIVE Curriculum to help each group be effective and focused.



KLIFE is a community-wide, interdenominational Christian ministry of discipleship and fellowship for youth and their families. Through a variety of activities (clubs, small group Bible studies, ski trips, and monthly events), KLIFE kids grow in their faith and have lots of fun in the process. They learn that following Christ and discovering His plan for their life is the most exciting adventure of all and that they can count on friendship and support from leaders and peers who care.

KLIFE works alongside churches and families in the community to teach and encourage kids to be strong in the Lord in spite of all the negative pressures they face as teenagers. KLIFE networks kids from different churches, and those without a church affiliation, to build positive, Godly relationships that can withstand the negative peer pressure so prevalent in today’s youth culture.

The heartbeat of KLIFE lies in the ability to build relationships with kids and bring the content of God’s word to bear on those relationships. Our desire is that kids would choose to participate in one of our small groups led by our staff and volunteer leaders. The purpose of these groups is for kids to gain a greater knowledge of God’s word, build Godly relationships with peers, and have access to a mentoring leader to come alongside them as they navigate those difficult adolescent years. Supporting and surrounding our small group strategy are the more visible components of our ministry: weekly club meetings, activities, events, and retreats. Weekly meetings consist of songs, games, and talks that contain a lesson with a relevant life application from the Bible.


GROW Excitement - In this format our desire is to fill a room with kids who can participate in a safe environment with lots of energy, laughter, and fellowship. A place where the truth is heard and the right to build a relationship begins to be earned. This level features weekly Klubs and events.

ENGAGE Hearts - Our small groups are same-gender peers that gather on a weekly basis with a trained leader to study scripture, encourage spiritual growth, and promote accountability within the group. Other aspects of this level include going to kids sporting events, game nights, and playing in the dodgeball tournament.

SHARE Life - Our small group leaders are equipped to disciple their kids even in their day-to-day life. This context often is necessary to delve into issues students face as well as provide genuine encouragement. This level truly embodies our theme verse of 1 Thes 2:8 where Paul says we share our life with others.

Waiver & stay connected

To participate in KLIFE, you must sign a liability waiver for your child. This will add you to our mailing list as well.

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns. 


Taylor Demetri - Women's Director

Zack Demetri - Chapter Director